The Shaggy Dog (2006)
The adventure begins when workaholic Dave Douglas (Tim Allen) is accidentally transformed into a lovable dog. Now as Dave digs to uncover the mystery, this overworked dad wants nothing more than to stop fetching ... and get back to fathering. But before he does, he's about to discover that being man's best friend gives him a curious insight into what it takes to be a great dad!
Directed By
Brian Robbins -
Written By
Michael Begler, Jack Amiel, Bill Walsh, Geoff Rodkey, Cormac Wibberley, Lillie Hayward, Marianne Wibberley, Don Tait -
Zena Grey, Danny Glover, Spencer Breslin, Joel David Moore, Jane Curtin, Philip Baker Hall, Robert Downey Jr., Bess Wohl, Kristin Davis, Tim Allen, Joshua Leonard, Jarrad Paul, Annabelle Gurwitch, Shawn Pyfrom, Jeanette Brox