As Boy's family faces the daily struggles of Depression-era sharecroppers, a loyal coonhound named Sounder becomes their only real friend. Food is scarce, and nightly hunting trips offer little relief. In an act of desperation, Father steals to feed his hungry family. When Father is convicted, it triggers Boy's courageous journey to find him in the labor camps.
Directed By
Martin Ritt -
Written By
Lonne Elder III, William H. Armstrong -
Carmen Mathews, Paul Winfield, Eric Hooks, Inez Durham, Sylvia Kuumba Williams, Myrl Sharkey, Taj Mahal, James Best, Cicely Tyson, Wendell Brumfield, Teddy Airhart, Teddy Airhart, Al Bankston (canon), Yvonne Jarrell, Myrl Sharkey, Kevin Hooks, Richard Durham