A Goofy Movie
"A Goofy Movie" is a classic blend of irresistible characters, unforgettable music, and an endearing modern-day story about how the lovable Goof bonds with his teenage son Max on a hilarious cross-country road trip. En route to the ol' fishing hole, they find themselves up to their floppy ears in misadventure!
Directed By
Kevin Lima -
Written By
John Doolittle, Brian Pimental, Jymn Magon, Curtis Armstrong, Chris Matheson -
Klee Bragger, Robyn Richards, Jo Anne Worley, Kevin Lima, Wallace Shawn, Kellie Martin, Bill Farmer, Jenna Von Oy, Julie Brown, Brittany Alyse Smith, Florence Stanley, Frank Welker, Rob Paulsen, Jim Cummings, Jason Marsden, Wayne Allwine