A Christmas Carol
November 6, 2009
Animation, Drama, Fantasy, Holiday
From Walt Disney Pictures comes the magical retelling of Charles Dickens’ beloved tale — Disney’s A Christmas Carol, the high-flying, heartwarming adventure for the whole family, starring Jim Carrey. When three ghosts take penny-pinching Scrooge on an eye-opening journey, he discovers the true meaning of Christmas -- but he must act on it before it’s too late. Complete with spirited bonus features, this exhilarating and touching Disney classic is destined to be part of your holiday tradition, adding sparkle and heart to all your Christmases yet to come.
Rated: PG
Release Date: November 6, 2009
Directed By
Robert Zemeckis -
Colin Firth, Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey, Robin Wright Penn, Gary Oldman, Sage Ryan, Daryl Sabara, Sammi Hanratty, Daryl Sabara, Sammi Hanratty, Daryl Sabara, Bob Hoskins, Ryan Ochoa, Ryan Ochoa, Julian Holloway, Julian Holloway, Steve Valentine, Gary Oldman, Robin Wright Penn, Bob Hoskins, Jim Carrey, Cary Elwes, Ron Bottitta, Ryan Ochoa, Sammi Hanratty, Amber Gainey Meade, Cary Elwes, Bobbi Page, Julian Holloway, Daryl Sabara, Ryan Ochoa, Amber Gainey Meade, Steve Valentine, Cary Elwes, Daryl Sabara, Ron Bottitta, Cary Elwes, Jim Carrey, Ryan Ochoa, Jim Carrey, Jim Carrey, Gary Oldman, Cary Elwes, Bobbi Page, Jim Carrey